
Change starts here Realise your dream figure
The nose is located in the middle of the face, about a third from top, and it is the point that people consciously or unconsciously look for when they communicate with each other. Therefore, an irregularity or deformity of the nose is easy and is difficult to hide.
Nose jobs are in high demand of patients with Nasal malformations, and worldwide the most frequently performed aesthetic operations, as well as in our country.
In modern rhinoplasty operations also addresses issues that affect the breathing of the nose. These operations, which are referred to as functional rhinoplasty, can improve not only the appearance but also the quality of life of patients.
After rhinoplasty to improve the face's appearance, and a significant increase of Self-consciousness.

The appropriate intervention, individual counselling

Before the Operation
The nose aesthetic surgery is an individual intervention. The used techniques and approaches are selected according to the problems in the nose. The design of the nose according to the Wishes and needs of the patient is also of great importance. The goal is a natural and beautiful nose shape, the fit to the proportions of the face is, in the end.
The preparation for surgery begins with a thorough physical examination and a conversation between the doctor and the Patient. Dr. Andaç Aykan to listen to the complaints, and the desired shape of the nose of the patient and records them. The internal examination of the nose may be enlarged nose clams (Konka hypertrophy) and a Curvature of the nose, vagina, found the wall (septum curvature). To resolve these issues not only leads to an aesthetically pleasing result, but also ensures a healthy nasal function.
During the conversation with the rhinoplasty candidate Dr. Andaç Aykan can examine and sometimes nose shapes, and images, like the patient. It should not be forgotten, however, that a shape of the nose, which looks to be a good produced in another face of the same aesthetic balance and the same beauty. Therefore, an individual planning is of the utmost importance. The 3D imaging and planning technology Vectra 3D is extremely useful both for the patient and for the doctor.

Operation Process
The Rhinoplasty surgery is performed under General anaesthetic and usually takes between 2 and 3 hours. In General, no Tampons be used in the nose. With a sharp nose deformity and enlargement of the nose (nasal Concha) is treated in the shells of these problems in the same session. In such cases, a short-term application of perforated silicone is carried out tampons. Dr. Andaç Aykan used during the Rinoplastik operations, the Piezo (ultrasonic rhinoplasty), and micro motor-rhinoplasty-technologies, in order to increase the surgical success and to shorten the recovery time.

After the Operation
After surgery there is usually no distinct pain. The patient can usually drink 2-3 hours of recording in your room of water and to take normal meals. In General, no Tampons be used in the nose. If the mussels, however, a significant nasal deformity and enlargement of the nose (nasal Concha) is, to be dealt with these problems in the same session, and in such cases, temporarily perforated silicone be applied to tampons.
The perforated silicone pads are quite small and easy to remove. Their biggest advantage is that they allow the patient to breathe after the anesthesia is light. The perforated silicone tampons are usually at the 5.-7. The day after the Operation.
At the end of the procedure, a plastic Splint is placed on the nose. The Rail provides protection from external influences and supports the healing process. The Rail is usually 5-7 days on the nose of the patient and is then painlessly and in a short time.
The patient can return normally 3-5 days after the Operation in your normal social life, and after 7 days, back to work. However, it may take months until the swelling subsides completely and the nose takes its final Form.

Piezo -, and micro motor-rhinoplasty
Traditionally, bone fractures, and the Use of Rasps in the field of plastic and aesthetic surgery, have been used successfully for years. However, with the advancing technology, the development of advanced devices, to minimize post-operative swelling, bruising, and Edema, with which the patient's face, or to eliminate it.
Among the leading methods in the technology of ultrasonic rhinoplasty (Piezo rhinoplasty), and micro-motor rhinoplasty.
In the case of the Piezo technology, the ultrasonic sound wave vibration may be used to cut bone or forms.
The micro-motor technology uses precise, micro-level vibrations, in order to form the bone.
In both methods, the nose structures are shaped delicate, without damage to the surrounding tissue. The main advantages of this modern technology, the shortened duration of surgery, and sparing of the surrounding tissue, and the Absence or minimal presence of swelling, bruising, and Edema in the final results. Therefore, the recovery process is easier and shorter.
Nose Surgery Specialists
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Holiday period
You can relax in the picturesque town of Antalya during your recovery time.
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