Questions & Answers

How did a sleeve gastrectomy SURGERY?
The Sleeve gastrectomy is now regarded as one of the most prominent surgical procedures.
Sleeve gastrectomy is a surgical process in which the stomach is reshaped into a tube ( hose ) form. This procedure is often referred to as "reducing the volume of the stomach".
It turns out that most organs in the digestive system (oesophagus, intestine) are tubular. The stomach, however, designed as a reservoir, is more like a pouch to hold a larger amount of food. Sleeve gastrectomy removes about 75-80 per cent of the stomach volume so that the remaining stomach is seamlessly integrated into the rest of the digestive tract. The procedure is performed laparoscopically, which means it is minimally invasive. Since the stomach resembles a tube after the procedure, it is colloquially referred to as a tube stomach surgery.
In addition to the physical changes of the stomach, the intervention has a significant effect on the secretion of the hunger hormone from the stomach. By reducing the stomach volume of the food capacity is limited, which leads to a reduced appetite for the Surgery. The Central nervous system receives signals from a reduced hunger. Thus, the Sleeve gastrectomy has mechanical, as a hormonal effect.
The advantages of sleeve gastrectomy surgery can be considered in two different categories.
Advantages over non-intervention: No medication, dietary adjustment or exercise therapy achieves similarly impressive results as bariatric surgery in obesity treatment. Patients with obesity consistently experience superior outcomes after surgery, whether by tube stomach or other surgical procedures, compared to alternative approaches.
Advantages in comparison to other surgical procedures, the effectiveness of The tube stomach surgery exceeds techniques such as the brackets, which took place in the bariatric surgery formerly common use. With the advent of the Sleeve-gastrectomy, and other advanced methods, older techniques such as the brackets are faded into the Background. A decisive advantage of the tube stomach surgery is that they don't interfere with the natural way of food. That is, the passage of Food from the esophagus, through the stomach to the intestine remains unchanged, as in the case of non-operated individuals. Therefore, this procedure represents a particularly anatomy and functional approach that respects the natural function of the digestive tract. In addition, the technology is characterized by its simplicity and brevity. The procedure can be rapidly performed, requires only a short duration of anesthesia, and has, accordingly, a reduced risk for anesthesia-related complications. Worldwide, it is the preferred method in the surgical treatment of obesity.
Am I suitable for a stomach tube SURGERY?
The Sleeve gastrectomy is performed at the level of individuals in the age range of 18 to 65 years. For such an Operation, Body Mass Index (BMI) of the patient should be in accordance with the guidelines of the world health organization, 35, or higher. In the Presence of concomitant diseases, the procedure can be drawn, however, even at a lower BMI in recital.
In the case of surgical measures against obesity, including Sleeve gastrectomy, it is recommended in the preoperative evaluation phase, the Body Mass Index (BMI) instead of the pure Excess weight as an evaluation criterion to be used. The BMI is calculated by taking the patient's weight in kilograms divided by the square of his height in meters. The results of this calculation are to be interpreted as follows:
- A BMI between 18 and 25 is considered normal weight.
- People with a BMI of 25 to 30 are considered overweight.
- A BMI of 30 or higher indicates obesity.
However, not every Patient with obesity is automatically suitable for a Sleeve gastrectomy or other bariatric procedures. Candidates with a BMI of 35 or higher, in which, in addition to obesity-associated diseases have been diagnosed, come for the Sleeve-gastrectomy in question. Even if in patients with a BMI of 40 and above, no other health problems are present, they can be used for the Sleeve gastrectomy, as well as other obesity-interventions considered.
A special aspect is uncontrolled Diabetes: If it despite dietary and medical therapy fails to control the Diabetes of a patient, can be considered a metabolic surgery into consideration, even if the BMI of the person Concerned, is between 30 and 35.
How is the surgery?
Sleeve gastrectomy, also known as the sleeve gastrectomy surgery is a surgical procedure that is performed under General anesthesia.
Usually, this procedure is performed using minimally-invasive techniques, i.e. laparoscopically. The exact approach varies depending on the surgical professional and patient needs, and it can be done either on a single or 4-5 smaller incisions, which measure only 0.5-1 cm. Sometimes, a robotic System is used. Due to the small size of the incisions aesthetic concerns for the future are minimized.
To work during the procedure precisely and to reduce the size of the stomach excessively, is positioned a calibration tube in the esophagus to the stomach entrance. With the help of this instrument, the stomach will be prevented modified so that it acts Essentially as an extension of the esophagus, causing potential constrictions or blockages.
After appropriate precautions with regard to the blood supply and possible bleeding were met, it will be processed in the stomach with the help of special cutting and fastening instrument, such as parentheses, the longitudinal side.
After the Operation, the input used in the calibration tube is removed. A final test to Check the tightness of the hose stomach will be carried out during the surgical procedure with one or more methods. Similar Checks may also take place post-operatively.
In General, a Sleeve is completed-gastrectomy within approximately 45 to 90 minutes. However, the exact duration and the course can vary depending on the individual anatomy of the patient and the surgeon's experience. Since both the entry and the exit point of the stomach remain intact and that the integrity of the digestive tract is maintained, the risks following the surgery is relatively low and unwanted effects are rare. In the case of surgical interventions for the treatment of obesity is not the speed in the foreground, but the proper and accurate implementation of the method is.
What are the consequences of the hose are stomach?
It has been found that individuals who have undergone Sleeve gastrectomy, have degraded within 2 to 3 years after the procedure, up to 60 percent of their excess weight. This varies from Person to Person.
There is a possibility of weight gain after sleeve gastrectomy. It is known that patients who disregard their post-operative instructions and have difficulty adjusting to their new lifestyle often regain weight. The rate of those who regain weight after such an operation is around 15 per cent. It is crucial that those affected receive regular care from professionals to prevent them from gaining weight again.
The diet after a Sleeve gastrectomy plays a Central role. If you avoid food with high energy content, but low-volume items, such as chocolate, ice-cream or milk-rice, and the dietary guidelines holds, can be avoided in the occurrence of Obesity.
People who have this surgery, they will continuously supervised both by nutrition experts as well as psychologists. In this holistic approach, the intention of a life-long monitoring of the patient, is in the foreground, one of the main groups pose a health risk to protect the States or diseases that could lead to weight gain.
The appropriate intervention, individual counselling

Tube stomach SURGERY (recommended)
The tube stomach surgery (Sleeve gastrectomy) is the most advanced method of Gastric bypass surgery. Already more than 70% of all stomach-OPs account for it. A large part of the stomach is removed and a hose-shaped Reservoir was created. Later Operated feel satiated faster, the intake of food is inhibited and a dramatic weight loss is achieved. This Operation is particularly effective, tested and with a very low-risk. Prerequisite a BMI above 32 is for the most part.

Gastric Bypass SURGERY
The classic gastric bypass creates a small stomach sack, which is directly linked with the middle section of the small intestine. In this way, the main is bypassed portion of the stomach and part of the small intestine. The Operation gives a lower food intake and food utilization. A significant weight decrease is the result. BMI is greater than 32 is typically required.

Mini-Gastric Bypass
In contrast to the traditional gastric bypass, Mini-gastric bypass requires a direct connection between the tube-shaped stomach sack and a lower section of the small intestine. There's only one such connection (anastomosis) is created, the procedure is less complex and quicker to perform. This method combines effectiveness with a simplified method of operation. The BMI requirements are similar to those of the traditional gastric bypass over 32.

Magen Ballon
The gastric balloon is inserted into the stomach to reduce the capacity of the stomach and promote a feeling of fullness. The gastric balloon is particularly suitable for patients with a BMI below 32 who prefer a less invasive option or who want to prepare for bariatric surgery at a later stage.
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