Tube Stomach Surgery

Tube Stomach Surgery Your way to better health without being Overweight
Schlauchmagen OP von führenden Ärzten und Chirurgen in der Türkei, Antalya. All-Inclusive Paket mit Behandlung, Aufenthalt, Transfers, Ernährungsberatung und persönliche, deutsche Betreuung. Begleitpersonen ist auf Wunsch willkommen.
Welcome to Esney Health Travel! We are pleased that you are ready to start a positive change. We support you in this process and are at your side with years of experience.
At respected specialist clinics in Antalya, Turkey, we combine professional medical expertise with caring attention to each patient. Our experienced medical staff performs successful gastric sleeve surgeries day after day. Each procedure is more than just a standard stomach reduction procedure: it is the starting shot of your future life with more health and less discomfort associated with obesity.

The appropriate intervention, individual counselling

Tube stomach SURGERY (recommended)
The tube stomach surgery (Sleeve gastrectomy) is the most advanced method of Gastric bypass surgery. Already more than 70% of all stomach-OPs account for it. A large part of the stomach is removed and a hose-shaped Reservoir was created. Later Operated feel satiated faster, the intake of food is inhibited and a dramatic weight loss is achieved. This Operation is particularly effective, tested and with a very low-risk. Prerequisite a BMI above 32 is for the most part.

Gastric Bypass SURGERY
The classic gastric bypass creates a small stomach sack, which is directly linked with the middle section of the small intestine. In this way, the main is bypassed portion of the stomach and part of the small intestine. The Operation gives a lower food intake and food utilization. A significant weight decrease is the result. BMI is greater than 32 is typically required.

Mini-Gastric Bypass
In contrast to the traditional gastric bypass, Mini-gastric bypass requires a direct connection between the tube-shaped stomach sack and a lower section of the small intestine. There's only one such connection (anastomosis) is created, the procedure is less complex and quicker to perform. This method combines effectiveness with a simplified method of operation. The BMI requirements are similar to those of the traditional gastric bypass over 32.

Magen Ballon
The gastric balloon is inserted into the stomach to reduce the capacity of the stomach and promote a feeling of fullness. The gastric balloon is particularly suitable for patients with a BMI below 32 who prefer a less invasive option or who want to prepare for bariatric surgery at a later stage.
Experienced Doctors, world-class medical Material
Around the clock, our dedicated Team is there for you.
From the arrival to departure, we take care of all the Details for you.
A smooth flow of information through a professional Translator for optimal communication.
Price - from 1900 €
Holiday period
You can relax in the picturesque town of Antalya during your recovery time.
A holistic health care, which puts their health and well-being in the center.
Nutritional counseling
On-site nutritional counselling translated into German and English

Safe and know for a healthy beautiful body.
Esney Health Travel is your trusted partner for medical travel in Antalya. As a renowned online service company, we plan and organise your medical travel with the utmost care and commitment.
Our experienced Team utilizes its broad network of selected hospitals, clinics and medical specialists to provide you with a tailor-made medical trip to offer. With our professional planning and medical Expertise, we ensure a seamless travel experience that is tailored to your needs.